August 20 (Washington, D.C.) — Americans for a Clean Energy Grid filed its reply comments in overall strong support of FERC’s proposed rule making on transmission planning (Docket No. RM21-17). Of nearly 200 sets of preliminary comments filed in the docket, the overwhelming majority support the Commission’s plan to enact proactive policies that will improve long-term transmission planners. Among those supporting the proposal were state regulators, consumers and consumer advocates, utilities, public power, merchant transmission and generation developers, federal representatives, manufacturers, environmental organizations, and members of the public.
In its own reply comments, ACEG expressed support for the Commission’s goal to establish a holistic, rather than piecemeal, transmission planning process and to establish a minimum set of benefits — positions which most other support, as well. ACEG also reiterated its position that the proposed reforms should apply throughout the country.
ACEG believes FERC should follow the broad support in the record of this proceeding for the NOPR’s proposed proactive long-term transmission planning. Such planning provides access to clean energy resources, promotes reliability and greater resilience, ensures workable markets for power, and leads to a cost-effective, integrated, and flexible high voltage electricity delivery system at just and reasonable rates for customers.
To read the full reply comments, click here.
ACEG Submits Reply Comments in FERC’s Transmission NOPR