Since 2010, we’ve held seven regional transmission summits in Oregon, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Ohio, Tennessee, and Colorado. We will be hosting an event in Minnesota in October, too. At those events, we heard from a diverse range of folks who care about the urgent need to modernize, integrate, extend, and add capacity to our nation’s high-voltage electric transmission grid.
While the need for a modern and clean-energy grid is only more urgent now, the situation has continued to evolve in all these regions and at the national level, and the importance of an educated public and private sector concerning these issues remains. To that end, Americans for a Clean Energy Grid presents a series of regionally-focused webinars on what’s going on in the world of transmission running from Fall 2013 to Winter 2014. Each webinar will span one hour, featuring presentations by transmission experts from the region in question and a discussion of environmental, economic, and political issues including planning, siting, and cost allocation.
You will need to RSVP in order to receive the link to each webinar. E-mail reminders will be sent out once final dates are established and speakers confirmed. They will also be sent out one week before and the day of. Please click as many links on the tentative schedule below as you like, and you will be directed to a page on which you can register to attend.
If you would like to register for all of the webinars, please use this link.
September 19th, 2013 at 11:00 AM Pacific/2:00 PM Eastern
- Cameron Yourkowski, Senior Policy Manager, Renewable Northwest Project
- Roger Hamilton, Director, University of Oregon’s Climate Leadership Initiative
Week of September 30th
- Larry Pearce, Executive Director, Governor’s Wind Energy Coalition
- Johnathan Hladik, Energy Policy Advocate, Center for Rural Affairs
Week of October 14th
New England
Week of October 28th
Week of November 11th
Week of November 25th
Rocky Mountain
Week of December 9th
If you have any questions or difficulties with registration, please send an e-mail to We look forward to having you join us for what will be a substantive and highly informative series.